Personal Finance & Cash Flow Coaching For
Small Business Owners

I help business owners manage easy cash flow, budgeting, and money systems for their personal finances.

  •  One-on-One Coaching
  • Personal Financial Analysis & Consulting
  • Cash Flow Programs & Implementations
  • Goal Setting & Accountability Support
Jeremy Gross Cash Flow Coach

Your Personal Financial Stress Is Costing Your Business.

You can often avoid these business problems:

  • Productivity & Decision-Making: Financial stress can cloud focus and hinder strategic decisions. 
  • Creativity & Innovation: Financial concerns often curb creative thinking in business.
  • Team Morale: Stressed owners can affect employee satisfaction and workplace atmosphere.
  • Financial Strain: Finance issues may lead to dipping into personal & business funds, risking cash flow. 
  • Risk Aversion: Financial stress can promote cautious  choices, potentially missing growth opportunities. 
  • Health & Client Relations: Stress can lead to health problems & strained connections, affecting efficiency.

Coaching will help you work through personal and business financial issues so that your small business grows and personal financial security improves.

You Plus Cash Coaching Programs

When you work on financial clarity with a coach, it means you’ll take control of your money and set your financial future on a path of strength and success.

Want to sleep better at night? Sign up with You Plus Cash today.

Delete Your Debt_500-100

Let's team up to tackle your debt! We'll craft a solid plan to figure out the best way to pay it down—deciding what to tackle first, how much to pay, and when. You'll get a clear picture of how to speed up your debt payoff and reach your goals faster.

Control Your Cash

This all-in-one personal finance system will transform how you handle money, both personal and business. With a simple and easy setup, you'll assign income towards specific goals and projects using multiple bank accounts. It's everything you need to take control!

Forecast Your Future

Unlock your financial potential with our program! We cover cash flow analysis, forecasting, and creating a cash-positive spending plan that aligns with your budget. Predict your bank balances and make smart money adjustments to achieve your goals - both personal and monetary. Experience positive financial management!

One-on-One Coaching

Join me for one-on-one meetings, either weekly or monthly, where you get my full attention. If you prefer focused hour-long sessions, this is the perfect option for you.

Working with You Plus Cash Is Easy 

1. Schedule Your Onboarding

We'll develop goals and set up the You Plus Cash financial system.

2. Financial Clarity

You'll get custom reports and a positive cash flow spending plan to follow.

3. Financial Transformation

Move from cash confusion to cash confidence with a step-by-step personal financial system!

...and You Plus Cash Coaching Works

"The system works."
-Vicky L.

"I have confidence with my cash now."
-Nathan J.

"No more ramen!"
-Rob W.

More You Plus Cash Details:

You Plus Cash implements personal finance & cash flow systems for entrepreneurs. 

You know how important cash flow and finances are in your business.
Without enough cash, your business will hurt and possibly fail.

We apply that same importance to your personal cash flow and finances.

You support your mental health by paying for a therapist. 

You support your physical health by paying for the gym and visits to the doctor.

Why not hire a cash coach to support your financial health?

In fact, improving your personal finances can strengthen (and fund) your quality of life!
With YPC programs, you're only weeks away from mastering your money, getting cash flow clarity, and knowing your next personal finance steps!

You Plus Cash helps you take control of your personal finances. 

    You’ll know where your money goes, how to manage money, how to optimize money, and what actions to take to reach your personal goals.

    • Be cash flow positive and be profitable
    • Manage what you measure
    • Spend less than you earn
    • Get clarity around where your money goes
    • Prioritize cash towards what you really want in life
    • Use your resources effectively
    • Predict how much cash you’ll have in the bank for the future

    We focus support to help you with these key financial areas: 

    • Income & Expense Optimization
    • Debt Management 
    • Budget Building 
    • Cash Flow 
    • Cash Forecasting

    Bonus Impact: Improving your personal finances and personal cash flow will help you improve your business finances and business cash flow. 

      With improved personal finances, you’ll:

      • Bring more focus and less stress into your business
      • Worry less about personal finances
      • Allocate more business cash towards accelerating the business, and not take too much cash out of the business... at first!
      • Get even higher profits and bigger cash distributions!
      Get started building your dream life!
      Schedule your free Discovery Call.